The following work was created by Drawing Foundations 1 (AR221) students who attended my classes at The University of North Alabama during the 2021/22 and 2022/23 academic years. Two exceptions are the nude figure drawings, completed by students who attended the class I taught in Figure Drawing (AR369). The Figure Drawing class was a smaller, more intimate group for which I did not utilize Canvas in evaluating work, therefore I have very limited documentation of student work for that class.

Line Value Drawing, 18" x 24", graphite on paper

Line Value Drawing, 18" x 24", graphite on paper

Line Value Drawing, 18" x 24", graphite on paper

Value Drawing, 18" x 24", charcoal on paper

Value Drawing, 18" x 24", charcoal on paper

Prof. Aaron Benson's Sculpture, the reference for the following graphite value drawings

Value Drawing, 20" x 16", graphite on paper

Value Drawing, 16" x 20", graphite on paper

Value Drawing, 16" x 20", graphite on paper

Value Drawing, 20" x 16", graphite on paper

Self Portrait, 14" x 9", graphite on paper

Self Portrait, 14" x 9", ink on paper

Self Portrait, 14" x 9", ink on paper

Self Portrait, 14" x 9", charcoal pencil on paper

Reflective, Transparency Value Drawing, 20" x 16", graphite on paper

Reflective, Transparency Value Drawing, 16" x 20", graphite on paper

Reflective, Transparency Value Drawing, 16" x 20", charcoal pencil on paper

Texture Studies, 9" x 14", graphite on paper

Texture Drawing, 24" x 18", graphite on paper

Drapery Drawing, 24" x 18", graphite on paper

Drapery Drawing, 24" x 18", graphite on paper

Drapery Drawing, 18" x 24", graphite on paper

Figure Drawing, size unknown, charcoal and chalk on toned paper

Figure Drawing, 18" x 24", graphite on paper